The Internet has memes, incredible photos, tweets, and political manifestos. Some people divulge stuff they should keep to themselves, yet others enchant the online public
OctopusPrime submitted a photo on Reddit that perplexed and interested many. The subreddit NatureIsF**kingLit photo depicted a bloom that resembled green hummingbirds. The author said, “Check out these hummingbird-like blooms,” and people did.
Recently, someone published this picture, which captivated a large group of people.
The post garnered 47.5k upvotes and approximately 400 comments in just one day. Most commenters asked questions, while the rest tried to answer them. One person knew why the blossom resembled small birds.
Green flowerbed or royal flowerbird describes the plant. Scientific name: Crotalaria cunninghamii. It’s related to chickpeas and alfalfa. The perennial shrub grows in sandy dunes in northern Australia. Ironically, Australia has no hummingbirds.
Many comments equated floral shape to adaptive evolution. SolitaryBee said this couldn’t be true. As a signal receiver, the expert noted that humans couldn’t have increased the fitness of people that evolved this signal (to appear like a bird). Unless indigenous Australians in arid Australia bred or sold the bird-like shrub.
Indigenous Australians valued the bloom but not its decorative qualities, as SolitaryBee points out. Aborigines use green flowerbeds as an eyewash for illnesses.
Crotalaria cunningham’s blossom shape is a legume characteristic. Papilionaceous flowers contain irregular clusters of five petals and a big upper banner petal. Darwin thought that bee pollinators caused the odd form, but this doesn’t indicate bees believe they are pollinating birds. The plant wouldn’t have survived if that had happened.
Crotalaria cunninghamii has hummingbird-shaped blooms.
No non-human would mistake the flowers for birds. The photo is a simulacrum. Our eyes fool us into seeing a nonexistent thing, like trompe-l’oeil paintings.
Nature’s wonders abound in Crotalaria Cunninghami. Few know that tree blossoms resemble birds. Hummingbirds are wonderful. Small. There are flower-shaped and hummingbird-like plants on earth. Green Birdflower, Regal Birdflower (Birdflower Ratulpo), and Parrot Pea are popular plants. This plant is a legume. It’s called Crotaleria cunninghami. Alan Cunningham named them.
It’s a green shrub. Northern Australia is home. This bush can reach 9 feet—with grayish-green leaves. The Australian Native Plants Society said a photo of the plant’s bird-like blossoms went viral online. This plant may be medicinal. Aborigines claim plant sap treats eye infections.
This plant seems like a dozen green hummingbirds have gathered to sip its nectar. Wind-swaying is more lovely. It’s indescribable to hold these blooms.
Green bird flower grows on dunes and mulga areas. This plant prefers sunny, sandy, well-drained soil in hot areas. Some US states grow these Australian natives. Southern California, Florida, and Hawaii have green Birdflower plants.