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Dog Owner Willing to Sell House to Afford $24K Vet Bills and Save Beloved Pet’s Life

When it comes to our beloved pets, most of us would do anything to keep them happy and healthy. But what happens when your furry friend falls critically ill, and the vet bills start to add up? For Jaxon Feeley, a dog owner from Wigan, the answer was clear: he was willing to sell his house to cover his Weimaraner Rambo’s vet fees, which had topped £20,000 ($24,185).



Rambo slipped into hypovolemic shock on January 20, which occurs when the body loses a substantial amount of blood or other fluids, and the heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body. “She vomited over 30 times during the night, and by Saturday am, we were at the emergency vet,” Jaxon recalled.



Rambo also had gastroenteritis, which swiftly deteriorated her condition, and she was admitted to the intensive care unit for 10 days.On February 4, Jaxon joyfully announced that Rambo had performed a miracle and returned home.



Jaxon’s first thought was to sell his house to keep Rambo alive. He set up a GoFundMe page on January 27 to seek funds for Rambo’s therapy, which costs an arm and a leg. “Rambo’s insurance protected her up to £6500. After one week in care, her cost has risen to £11,500,” the page states.



Rambo’s condition continued to worsen as she suffered severe pneumonia, which caused one of her lungs to collapse. However, with Jaxon’s unwavering love and support, Rambo fought through every test imaginable, and the professionals at the vet’s clinic were astounded by her incredible recovery.



“Over the last three days, Rambo has performed a miracle; hour by hour, she has increased her oxygen efficiency, begun eating and drinking, her lungs are slowly improving, and we have begun to see her wonderful little personality return,” he explained.



He also expressed his gratitude for everyone’s love, support, and donations, which helped him cover Rambo’s vet fees. In the end, Rambo’s recovery is a testament to the power of love in the face of adversity.



Jaxon’s incredible journey with Rambo has convinced him that “true hope and fight” can get you through the darkest of times.



If you’re ever faced with a similar situation, don’t hesitate to seek help and support from friends, family, and even strangers online.



With the power of community, anything is possible. Remember, life can change in an instant, and anyone who takes it for granted should look in the mirror, ask themselves some probing questions, and begin fighting for their lives.

Written by Chanuka

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