

Your story, beautifully told


How A Former Aircraft Cleaner Became A Pilot After 24 Years

Muhammad Abubakar is a true inspiration to everyone who believes that hard work and determination can take you to great heights in life. Starting as an aircraft cleaner about 24 years ago, Abubakar’s journey to becoming a pilot was not an easy one. But with his relentless effort and passion for aviation, he overcame all the challenges that came his way.


Abubakar’s first job was not his dream job. He had applied to Katuna Polytechnic but could not send his application on time, and thus had to take up a casual job as a car cleaner at Carbo Air, where he earned about N200 a day, which is roughly $0.5. However, he did not give up and was soon employed as the airline’s ground staff in Maiduguri, where he proved his discipline and efficiency and worked in almost every position.


Abubakar’s hard work paid off when he got a job at Aero Contractors, where he worked for eight years and proved his loyalty and dedication to the company. His salary increased from N17,000 to N170,000, and he decided to save money instead of spending it carelessly.


Abubakar’s dream of becoming a pilot seemed impossible at first, as he had no money to get a commercial pilot’s license. However, he did not despair and spoke with the Deputy Managing Director at Aero Contractors, who sponsored his training and sent him back to Canada for the license.


After eight years of hard work, Abubakar achieved his dream and became the captain of Azman Air. His journey from an aircraft cleaner to a pilot is a testament to the fact that with hard work, determination, and passion, anything is possible.


In conclusion, Abubakar’s story is a reminder that success is not easy and requires hard work, dedication, and passion. His journey is an inspiration to anyone who has a dream and is willing to work hard to achieve it.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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