

Your story, beautifully told


Rescued Squirrel from Hurricane Can’t Rest Without Her Miniature Teddy Bear 

Jill’s story is one of hope and resilience.

She was only seven weeks old when Hurricane Isaac struck Louisiana and she fell out of her nest. But fate had other plans for her.


Image credits: this_girl_is_a_squirrel

Jill’s charming personality and adorable antics quickly won over her new family. They soon realized that they couldn’t bear to part with her and decided to make her a permanent member of their household.

She insists on cuddling with her teddy bear every night before she goes to sleep.


Image credits: this_girl_is_a_squirrel

Since then, Jill has been living her best life with her loving family. She even gained fame on social media with her Instagram account, The Girl Is a Squirrel, which has over 712,000 followers.

Jill’s love for her teddy bear is so strong that she will not be able to sleep without it.


Image credits: this_girl_is_a_squirrel

On her Instagram account, Jill shares about her love for Starbucks napkins, vegetarianism, and most importantly, her miniature teddy bear.

This adorable little squirrel has captured the hearts of people around the world with her unique personality and her love for her furry companion.


Image credits: this_girl_is_a_squirrel

A young family found her and took her in as a foster. They had no idea what they were in for, but little did they know that Jill would change their lives forever.

Jill’s story is a reminder of the power of love and how it can transform lives.


Image credits: this_girl_is_a_squirrel

If you’re looking for a daily dose of cuteness and inspiration, be sure to follow Jill on Instagram. You won’t regret it!

Even in the face of adversity, she has found happiness and comfort in the love of her family and her miniature teddy bear.

More Info: Instagram

Written by Chanuka

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