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Thrift Store Find: A 2,000-Year-Old Roman Artwork Discovered in Texas Goodwill

Going to thrift stores can be a fun and affordable way to add unique items to your collection, but what happens when you stumble upon an ancient artifact worth thousands of dollars? That’s exactly what happened to Laura Young, an art collector and antiques dealer from Austin, Texas.

Laura was browsing through her local Goodwill in 2018 when she spotted a marble bust that caught her eye. Despite its modest price tag of $34.99, she was convinced that the statue was of great value and decided to purchase it. After conducting some research, she was shocked to find out that her thrift store find was a 2,000-year-old Roman portrait dating back to the first century BC to AD.



The portrait was part of a collection of artwork housed in a replica of the Pompejanum, a house in Pompeii, commissioned by King Ludwig I of Germany. It is believed that the portrait of Drusus Germanicus found its way to Texas during World War II, as the Pompejanum was heavily damaged during a battle between Nazi Germany and the US Army. A US soldier may have looted the art or purchased it from a looter, bringing it back to the US.



Despite its potentially looted status, Laura worked with an art lawyer for three years to restore the artifact back to its rightful owners. In the meantime, she grew attached to the bust and gave it the nickname “Dennis”. An agreement was finally reached, and the portrait will be returned to Germany, but not before it makes a stop at the San Antonio Museum of Art for a year, where it will be on loan for the public to see.



Laura had to part with her beloved “Dennis,” but she’s glad to have played a small part in its long and complicated history. She’s even made a 3D model of the bust so that she can keep a copy in her apartment.



Emily Ballew Neff of the San Antonio Museum of Art called this thrift store find a “great story” that includes elements of World War II, international diplomacy, ancient Mediterranean art, thrift store sleuthing, historic Bavarian royalty, and the preservation of art.

This incredible story shows that you never know what you might find in a thrift store, and the importance of being a responsible steward of ancient artifacts. Laura’s discovery is a reminder of the rich history and cultural heritage that surrounds us, and how we can play a role in preserving it for future generations.

Written by Chanuka

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