

Your story, beautifully told


Anora’s Second Chance: A Small Dog Given a New Life After Being Found Near-Dead in a Plastic Bag

As a society, we have a moral obligation to protect and care for our animals. But unfortunately, not everyone upholds this responsibility. This was the case for Anora, a small white dog who was found abandoned in a plastic bag in Transylvania, Romania in July 2016. She was close to death, with worms in her body and a head injury from previous abuse.


Anora / Facebook

Her leg was also fractured, and she was severely dehydrated and hungry. It was a heartbreaking scene, and it’s unimaginable to think of the suffering Anora must have endured before being discovered.


Anora / Facebook

Fortunately, a group of good samaritans brought Anora to Transylvania Animal Care, where she received the medical attention and care she desperately needed. The professionals at the animal care center were able to remove the worms and reduce the swelling in Anora’s head.


Anora / Facebook

As they treated her, it became clear that her previous owner had subjected her to significant abuse. Despite the trauma she had experienced, Anora’s spirit remained strong, and she began to recover.


Anora / Facebook

In January 2017, Anora was adopted by Helen Taylor, a kindhearted individual who saw the potential for Anora to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Taylor started a fundraiser to gather money for Anora’s medical costs, including a surgery to repair her damaged leg. Thanks to the support and generosity of others, Anora was able to undergo the necessary surgery and continue her recovery.


Anora / Facebook

Today, Anora is living with Taylor and her loving family in the UK. She has adjusted well to her new home and is thriving. It’s heartwarming to see how far Anora has come, and how much joy she brings to those around her. She is a testament to the resilience of animals and the transformative power of love and care.


Anora / Facebook

Anora’s story is a reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the consequences of neglect and abuse. It’s also a reminder of the positive impact that we can have on the lives of animals when we choose to extend a helping hand. Anora is a beautiful and deserving dog who is finally getting the love and care she deserves. Her story will stay with me forever, and I hope it will inspire others to be more mindful of their treatment of animals and to take action to prevent abuse and neglect.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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