
70 Years Of Unbreakable Love: How One Woman’s Courageous Defiance Of Racism Led To One Of The Longest Interracial Marriages In History

When it comes to love, nothing can stand in its way, not even the disapproval of family. Leon Watson and Rosina Rodriquez are living proof of that. In 1949, Leon, a Black man who served in the United States Marine Corps, and Rosina, a fair-skinned woman with roots in Mexico, started dating, facing discrimination from society and their family.


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Their first date was at a movie theatre where they were cautious about their surroundings. Rosina entered the theatre first, and Leon waited several minutes before entering. They didn’t want to cause an issue when Leon sat next to Rosina. “We always did it,” Leon told The New York Times in 2017. “They looked at you like you were in a zoo. We just held our heads high and kept going.”


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Rosina’s father tried to discourage her from marrying Leon, but she refused to listen. She had seen other interracial couples living happily, and she knew it was possible. In 1950, only a few years after California legalised interracial marriage, Leon and Rosina wed, despite experiencing covert and overt discrimination from others.


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Even though their union was officially recognised by the state of California, it would be several more years until all 50 states recognised interracial marriage. They endured discrimination from several white families who moved from the neighborhood when they purchased their first home together in Oakland, California. Rosina even feared retaliation at work if anyone found out about her husband’s race.


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Inside their home, they rarely spoke about their differences, especially around their three children, José, Jorge, and Lucia. As their kids grew up, they faced discrimination, but not nearly as much as their parents did. The family had a standard response for those who questioned their differences, “So what’s that got to do with you? What is your problem?”


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Sadly, Leon passed away in April 2020 at the age of 92, a month shy of the massive protests that broke out around the world in the wake of George Floyd’s death. But before he died, the couple celebrated 70 years of marriage, making them one of the longest legally married interracial couples.


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Their love story is a reminder that love knows no bounds, and despite facing discrimination from society and family, Leon and Rosina’s love endured. Their story is one of perseverance, courage, and love that lasted a lifetime. It’s a story that should be shared to remind everyone that love should always be celebrated, no matter the race, colour, or background.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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