
A single mother of two adopts six children from foster care to ensure they grow up together as one.

Your childhood will always be remembered for its stability, love, and security.

My parents didn’t have many financial resources, but they were not poor. They made every effort to provide the best living conditions for me and my brothers and ensured that we felt love in our home.

The unfortunate reality is that not all children have the chance to grow-up in a loving and safe environment. Some-people are born into circumstances that make it difficult to have stable parents.

Foster children may be placed with foster families, but they might never find a place where they are at home. Others may be placed with abusive or neglectful parents.


When her mother had to give up custody, Jessica Benzakein, 12, was twelve. Jessica was placed in foster care in the United States.

Her age was a problem. She was too old to be adopted by most families but too young to leave her home alone.

She was uprooted, and she moved from foster home to foster family six times before reaching 18 years of age.

Today reports that she felt a sense of responsibility to foster children as she grew up.

Six boys in all, the boys desperately needed a loving home when Jessica adopted them as two sets of brothers five years ago.


Jessica already had two biological children with her ex-husband, Eli, 14, and Brenna, 9. She said yes to Will, 19, Carter (14, Sidney, 13, Buddy (8, 8, and 6), and T.J. (4, 4). Jessica already had two biological children, Eli, 14, and Brenna, 9, with her ex-husband. But she said yes to Will Carter, 14; Sidney, 13; Buddy, eight; Kendrich, 4.

Jessica said, “Everyone tells us how fortunate these children are,” She did an excellent interview with Today.

Jessica’s story became more favorable when a Milwaukee judge decided she could be their adoptive mother.

She asks, “Do you believe that it is in their best-interest for you to become their mother?” The Hon. Mark A. Sanders approached her with the inquiry.

She said, “I think we are doing quite well together,”


The six boys seemed more inclined than expected to agree with one another.

Sidney said in an interview with WISN, “I believe this is the best decision I could have made.”

On the other hand, Carter stated that “the whole adoption thing doesn’t matter because we regard one another as a family regardless of what happens.”


Jessica knows firsthand how difficult it is to parent six children. This has been a challenge she has had to face. She understands that all the sacrifices were worth it, especially considering that six of her little ones have found permanent families and loving homes.

Jessica’s kindness and willingness to help me were beyond my expectations.

Written by Malith92

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