
Discovering A 95-Year-Old Message In A Bottle From The Ocean Floor

We’ve all heard stories about lost things being found in the most unexpected places. It’s fascinating to discover something that has been missing for years or even decades, and even more so when it has a sentimental value attached to it. Recently, a captain of a tour boat in Michigan found a message in a bottle that had been hidden on the ocean floor for 95 years!


Nautical North Family Adventures

Jennifer Dowker, the captain of the Nautical North Family Adventures tour boat, was cleaning the hull of her boat when she noticed an object that appeared to be a bottle. She often finds trash underwater, but this one seemed different. After bringing it to the surface, she discovered a note inside.


Nautical North Family Adventures

At first, Dowker was puzzled by the note’s content. It requested that the finder of the bottle give it to a “George Morrow,” but the note was dated November 1926. However, Dowker was determined to find the intended recipient and shared the story on Facebook, hoping to generate interest in the search.


Nautical North Family Adventures

The story quickly went viral, and the power of social media was evident as many people shared the post and offered to help. Many ‘Morrows’ were among the curious people who were intrigued by the story. Finally, after much searching, George Morrow’s daughter was found.


Nautical North Family Adventures

After speaking with her, she suggested that the message might have been written by her father, as November was his birth month. Dowker received permission to keep the bottle and the note, and the search for the intended recipient came to a close.


Nautical North Family Adventures

This was an exciting moment for many of the ‘Morrows’ who had been brought together by the search for George Morrow. Dowker has had similar experiences in the past, and she loves the sentimental value that the ocean gifts her with.


Nautical North Family Adventures

In conclusion, this story is a testament to the power of social media and the sentimental value of lost objects. Even after 95 years, a simple message in a bottle can bring people together and create a special moment. What are your thoughts on this exciting discovery? Let us know in the comments below!

More info & Photo courtesy: Facebook | 9&10 News | Nautical North Family Adventures

Written by Chanuka

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