
Fourth-Grader Invents Device, So Parents Wouldn’t Forget Their Baby In The Car

A fourth grader’s invention could help prevent the tragedy of toddlers dying in hot cars. Sophie Rapson created an affordable product that could save countless lives and is helping to make the world a safer place.

As parents, we do our best to keep our children safe and protected at all times. But sometimes, even the most diligent of parents can make mistakes. This is especially true when it comes to leaving a child alone in a car on a hot day.

According to a report, since 1998, around 712 children have died from heat stroke in the US after being left alone in a car. It’s a heartbreaking and preventable tragedy that no parent should ever have to experience.


That’s where Sophie Rapson comes in. A fourth grader from the US, Sophie recently participated in an “Invention Convention” at school, where students were asked to create something that has never been made before. Using her creativity and a little help from her mom, Sophie came up with an idea for an affordable product that could help prevent these tragedies from occurring.

The product, which has not yet been publicly revealed, is designed to help parents avoid ever forgetting their baby is in the car again. With busy schedules and a lot on their plate, it’s easy for mistakes to happen. But with Sophie’s invention, parents can have an extra layer of protection to ensure that their child is always safe and sound.


It’s important to recognize and praise the hard work of young people like Sophie who are making a difference in the world. As the future leaders of our society, it’s up to them to help make the world a safer and better place for all of us. So let’s share this article and celebrate Sophie’s innovative solution to a heartbreaking problem.

Written by Malith92

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