
From Shelter Dog to Movie Star: The Story of Coco in Hulu’s “Prey”

Learn about the real-life story of Coco, the shelter dog turned movie star in Hulu’s “Prey”. Discover how Coco’s newfound fame and success show that shelter dogs are precious companions.

Animal sidekicks are some of the best supporting characters in movies. They bring a certain charm and personality that often captures the hearts of viewers. Hulu’s latest movie premiere, “Prey,” features such a character: Sarii, the protagonist’s loyal dog companion. However, not many people know of the interesting real-life background of the talented animal that plays Sarii. Her name is Coco, and she was a shelter dog that had never gone through any training before taking on the role.

Source: Fulton County Animal Services

Coco’s journey to stardom began when she was a lost pet taken in by a member of the community. Despite several attempts to find her a family, she ended up in the Fulton Shelter in Atlanta, Georgia. She was later taken in by a foster family, but they could not care for her permanently. Her luck changed when a professional family in the entertainment industry came to the shelter to adopt her. They saw potential in Coco and gave her the opportunity to star in “Prey,” the latest installment of the “Predator” franchise.

Source: Fulton County Animal Services

As a shelter dog without any prior experience in acting, Coco was a hot mess at first, according to the movie’s star, Amber Midthunder. However, the crew loved working with her and was patient enough to let her settle into her role. Coco’s own joyful and playful personality won their hearts.
Due to her remarkable appeal with test audiences, Coco’s initially modest role was expanded by the director in response to her growing popularity.

Source: “Prey”

Coco’s success story is proof that shelter dogs are precious companions. She may not have imagined that she would one day become a big star, but her newfound fame and success have surpassed her expectations. Coco now has a dedicated trainer and may have more roles in the future, given her love for being active and learning new things.

Source: “Prey”

In conclusion, Coco’s journey from a shelter dog to a movie star is inspiring. Her story shows that with a chance, shelter dogs can prove to be amazing companions. Moreover, her newfound fame and success prove that every animal deserves a chance to find their forever home and show the world how precious they are.

Written by S Bandara

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