
Mother Discovers A Significant Danger After Spotting Her Children With A Small Furry Animal In The Park

Leslie Howe, a mother from Georgia, discovered a furry ball-like creature near her children in the park, but she had a gut feeling that it could be dangerous. Read on to know what she found out and how she hopes her story can help others stay clear of the suspect fur ball.


For centuries, humans have been wary of wildlife, knowing which animals and creatures to avoid. Even though most of them are harmless to us, we still need to be alert when we are out in nature. This is what Leslie Howe did when she was at a small park with her family back in 2014.

While Leslie was with her baby and two other young children at the playground in Gwinnett County, Georgia, she noticed a furry creature that looked like a ball. It appeared harmless, but she instinctively felt the need to stay away from it. Little did she know that it was a Megalopyge Opercularis larva, better known as the puss caterpillar, and it was dangerous.


The puss caterpillar is covered in hair that disguises toxic bristles. It can grow to a little over one inch long and is found in many parts of the United States, from New Jersey to Florida and as far west as Texas. Its sting is brutal and can inject poison that causes intense pain, making your bones hurt. According to ethnologist Don Hall, who spoke to National Geographic, “It feels like a wasp sting but worse. The pain hits immediately and gets worse after the creature sticks, and can even make your bones hurt.”

Eric Day, manager of Virginia Tech’s Insect ID La, experienced the pain of the puss caterpillar when he was stung while mowing the lawn. The burning sensation went away in a day or so, but the blister and subsequent irritation lasted for several weeks.

If you are stung by a puss caterpillar, use tape to remove the venomous hairs and then gently wash the area with soap and water. You can also use hydrocortisone cream or baking soda if the sting site begins to itch. If it becomes worse, seek medical attention immediately.

While puss caterpillars are not usually deadly, their sting can cause anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition. So, it’s important to be aware of these caterpillars and stay clear of them.

Leslie Howe hopes that her story can help others avoid the danger of the puss caterpillar. She advises parents to be vigilant when their children are playing outside and to teach them to stay away from unfamiliar creatures. It’s also important to share this article to raise awareness and warn others.

Written by Malith92

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