
Passiflora-alata is a species of flowering plant which bears exquisite crimson flowers

Evergreen Passiflora alata, sometimes referred to as the winged-stem passion flower or fragrant granadilla, is a climbing plant native to South America. It may be found from the Amazon to Peru and eastern Brazil. This species of flowering plant has the potential to reach a height of up to 20 feet (6 meters), has beautiful red flowers, and produces a form of passion fruit that is edible and delectable.

The plant does well in its natural habitats, including sandy dikes and dams, rainforests, lowland tropical and subtropical conditions, and areas with a combination of the two. Because of the exquisiteness of its heavenly, fragrant blooms and the splendor of its golden fruits, it is a plant in the garden that is in high demand. Numerous pollinators, including bees, are drawn to the vibrant red color of the blooms and fruits and the gorgeous cascade of evergreen leaves.


In its native lands, the indigenous people call it ouvaca, which translates as “red star,” a reference to the appearance of the flower that grows on the plant. Passiflora alata comes from the Latin terms “passio,” which means passion, and “flos,” which means flower. Together, these elements form the word “passiflora.” The specific epithet alata, which means “winged,” refers to the 4-winged stems characteristic of this plant. The collective name for the plant family is Passifloraceae. However, passionflowers are the more frequent name for members of this family.

The leaves of the Passiflora alata are shaped like an oval or an oblong and range in length from 10 to 15 centimeters (4 to 6 inches) and width from 0 to 10 centimeters (0 to 4 inches). These enormous green leaves are lobed, and their lushness is maintained throughout the period when the plant is actively growing. Many Brazilians make use of them as a means of relieving hyperventilation, treating worms, and preventing hysteria.


The plant’s lovely scarlet blossoms, which release a strong fragrance in the late summer and early fall, are likely the characteristic that draws the most attention to it. The perfume conjures up images of a mixture of sour and sweet notes, which hints at how the fruit tastes. The width of the flower ranges from three to four inches, measuring between seven and ten centimeters. It has vividly curved red petals and a beautiful corona composed of purple and white filaments, giving it the appearance of stripes.


Flowers produced by Passiflora alata are gorgeous. Due to their color, perfume, and nectar, they are attractive to many pollinators, including birds, butterflies, and bees. The pollination process supports the growth of fruits, which tend to emerge along with the flowers on the plant’s softer, drooping tendrils. This, in turn, encourages further pollination. The flowering season is often at the end of summer or the beginning of fall, and the blossoms need to be exposed to direct sunlight.


The locals place a great value on the passionfruit because of its vast size, egg-like shape, golden to bright orange coloring, and pleasantly sweet taste and flavor. The community highly regards passionfruit. It can be anywhere from 8 to 15 centimeters (3 to 6 inches) long, with a diameter ranging from 5 to 10 centimeters (2 to 4 inches), and can weigh anywhere from 90 to 300 grams (3 to 11 oz). When the fruit is split open, the inside shows several seeds that can be eaten that are encased in yellow, pulpy, gelatinous flesh. In terms of its nutritional value, the fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Additionally, the fruit is packed to the brim with vitamin C.


The root system of the Passiflora alata is relatively superficial compared to the massive amounts of foliage it produces. Additionally, both the leaves and the roots may contain a chemical called “passiflorina,” which is a sedative that has the potential to be made by the plant. Because of this assertion, passionflower and its roots and leaves are occasionally used in the recipe for relaxing herbal teas. These teas assist in quieting the nervous system, making it easier to have a good night’s sleep.


Growing and caring tips for Passiflora alata:

Passiflora alata can be grown with little effort and requires no special attention once established.

Pruning Because this climbing plant grows at a rate that is slightly slower than average, it will need to be pruned regularly. In fact, not only does pruning encourage the plant to produce more flowers and fruit, but it also makes it simpler to gather the fruits and flowers when they are ready.



The Passiflora alata is a plant that grows best in warmer settings. It can handle cooler temperatures as long as they do not go below 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit), but it cannot stand the cold. If the plant is allowed to continue to be subjected to freezing temperatures, it will suffer from frostbite, and as a result, it will not survive the winter.

Cultivating Passiflora alata outside in temperate climates is possible, provided the temperatures are not excessive. If not, it is typically grown indoors, where the necessary temperature and light levels may be maintained in a more precisely regulated setting. Gardeners and other people interested in plants are responsible for ensuring that the temperature the plant experiences throughout the winter is one that it can tolerate. Because of this, it is recommended to have it cultivated in pots so that it may be brought indoors more readily during the winter months.


Because abundant watering encourages flowering, leading to increased fruit production, the Passiflora alata will demand much of it during the busy growing seasons.


The Passiflora alata must be grown in locations exposed to a significant quantity of sunshine to reach its full potential. If more time were spent in the sun, there would be a greater abundance of leaves, flowers, and fruits. The plant would do best if grown in the east or the south, where it can absorb the most light without being adversely affected by intense lighting conditions. It can grow in shady conditions, but excessive shadow would prevent it from producing blooms or fruit. If you are cultivating the plant-indoors, you should think about using grow lights because they will assist the plant in adjusting to its environment and thriving.

Soil requirements

The soil should be rich-and-moist but drain quickly for the Passiflora alata to thrive. The plant’s natural habitat consists of sandy barriers, and its roots have adapted to soils that drain well and are high in humus. Furthermore, the plant thrives on sandy embankments. It is vital to remember that soils that are extremely acidic or have a high alkaline content are not suited for the plant; hence, neutral ground is preferable. When growing the Passiflora alata in containers, it would be most practical to use a compost rich in organic matter and combined with a healthy, well-draining soil with some sand.



To encourage the plant to produce more flowers and fruit, organic or inorganic fertilizers can be applied to the soil around it. Use fertilizers with lower ratios of nitrogen and potassium if possible to reduce the risk of root burns and loss of fruit production. The amount of fertilizer applied to a plant should be regulated according to its whole volume.

Written by Malith92

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