
Sweetest Adoption Story: 6th-Grader’s Heartwarming Reaction to First Birthday Surprise

Celebrating birthdays is a common practice in most parts of the world, but not everyone gets to experience this joyous occasion. Such was the case for Abraham Walker, a 6th-grader from Sierra Leone who had never had a birthday celebration until he was adopted by Jamie and Joe Walker in October 2021. This year, Abraham celebrated his first-ever birthday, and the video of his emotional reaction to the surprise celebration posted on Facebook has since gone viral.

In the video, Jamie can be seen carrying a special cake for Abraham’s first birthday in America. As the family gathers in the kitchen to sing “Happy Birthday,” Abraham is visibly overwhelmed with emotion upon seeing the cake. He covers his mouth with his hands, sobbing tears of joy, as his sisters capture the moment on their phones.


Image: Facebook

For Abraham, the experience of having a birthday celebration was a completely new one. He said, “We never knew about something called a birthday. It just feels like God is showing all the blessings in you. Everybody in the whole world is giving you their best love that they have ever given. That is what it feels like to have that cake.”


Image: Facebook

Before blowing out the candles, Abraham hugged his father and Jamie, who both played a significant role in bringing him to America. The video captures the sweet moment when the entire family gathers around Abraham, urging him to make a wish. Jamie later wrote on Facebook, “What a gift He is. What a gift this moment was. Incredibly simple yet wholly significant.”


Image: Facebook

Abraham’s journey to his first birthday celebration was a long one. Joe Walker, Abraham’s adoptive father, first met Abraham’s older brother, James, during a mission trip to Sierra Leone. The Walkers sponsored James and stayed in touch with him through Skype. When James had to leave the orphanage, the Walkers helped reunite him and Abraham, who were then both living on the streets.


Image: Facebook

After forming a bond with the brothers, Jamie and Joe decided to adopt them. Their family dinner with their four children was followed by a series of postponed plans due to the pandemic. But finally, Joe boarded a plane to pick up the boys in Sierra Leone.


Image: Facebook

The Walkers’ efforts to adopt Abraham and James, and their journey to their first birthday celebration in America, are a true testament to the power of love and family. For Abraham, his first birthday will always be a memorable one, and he said, “I really, truly want to thank them for that.”


Image: Facebook

In conclusion, Abraham’s emotional reaction to his first birthday celebration is a reminder that little things like birthdays can bring immense joy to people’s lives. It’s a celebration that many of us take for granted, but for those who have never had the opportunity to celebrate, it can be a life-changing experience. The Walker family’s act of kindness and love towards Abraham and James is an inspiration to us all.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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