
The Rare and Beautiful White Giraffes of Kenya

As a result of this genetic condition, the white reticulated giraffes lack pigmentation in their fur, giving them a pale, ghostly appearance. This makes them stand out in stark contrast to their more typical brown and white spotted counterparts. While their striking appearance may make them seem like a new species, they are actually just a variation of the already existing reticulated giraffe species.

Leucism is a genetic trait that is relatively rare in the animal kingdom, and it is even more rare for it to occur in such a visually striking way as it does in these white giraffes. In fact, sightings of these animals in the wild are so rare that they have garnered a significant amount of attention and fascination from both the scientific community and the general public.


One of the most well-known white giraffes was a pair of females that were spotted in Kenya in 2017. These giraffes garnered international attention and were even featured in a documentary film called “The White Giraffes.” Unfortunately, these two giraffes were recently killed by poachers in north-eastern Kenya, according to a BBC report.

A third white giraffe, a male, has also been spotted in the same area of Kenya. This giraffe, which is now known as the world’s only white giraffe, has been fitted with a tracker to deter poachers. The tracker allows rangers to monitor the giraffe’s movements in real time, helping to protect it from harm.


While the white giraffes may be a rare and beautiful sight, it is important to remember that they are not a separate species and are just as vulnerable to threats like poaching and habitat loss as any other giraffe. It is crucial that we work to protect these animals and their habitats so that they can continue to thrive in the wild.

In conclusion, the white giraffes’ lack of fur pigmentation is due to a genetic trait called leucism, which is relatively rare in the animal kingdom. While their striking appearance may make them seem like a new species, they are actually just a variation of the already existing reticulated giraffe species. It is important to protect these rare animals and their habitats so that they can continue to thrive in the wild.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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