
Amazing Story: German Shepherd Sarge Takes On Motherly Role For Fawn Who Escaped Miraculously

Sarge, the German Shepherd, is not just an ordinary dog. He has a heart of gold and loves animals like no other. His owner, Cheryl Stephen, narrates that Sarge was brought to her by friends nine years ago. Since then, Sarge has been an integral part of their farm, where they have many animals like horses, roosters, pigeons, hens, ponies, and many others.

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Sarge’s love for animals is unconditional, and he helps any animal that is abandoned, orphaned, or in a helpless state. He has no breed preferences; he loves all creatures equally. Six years ago, Sarge showed his love and affection for a deer for the first time. Cheryl’s friend had found an orphaned deer on the road and brought her to the farm. When Sarge saw this deer, he immediately took charge and became her protector and babysitter.



Since then, Sarge’s fondness for deer has only grown stronger. He is always on the lookout for them and makes sure that they are safe and sound. One day, a miracle happened on Cheryl’s farm. A fawn miraculously fled and found her way to the farm. She was alone, helpless, and had no one to take care of her. But little did she know that she had a guardian angel in the form of Sarge.



Sarge immediately took charge and became a mother for the fawn. He protected her, played with her, and made sure that she had food and water. The bond between Sarge and the fawn was so strong that they were inseparable. They spent their days together, and Sarge took care of the fawn like she was his own child.



The heartwarming story of Sarge and the fawn became viral, and people from all over the world were amazed by the love and compassion that Sarge had for animals. Cheryl’s farm became famous, and many people started visiting the farm to meet Sarge and the other animals.



In conclusion, Sarge, the German Shepherd, is a true hero and an inspiration to us all. His love and compassion for animals are second to none, and he is a shining example of how we should treat all creatures with kindness and respect. Sarge’s story is a reminder that love knows no boundaries, and we should always be kind to all creatures, big or small.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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