The bagworm moth, also known as a case moth, within the family known as Psychidae is part of the insect order of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). The bagworm moth family is small and comprises about 1350 species; however, they are seen worldwide. Their name is about the security “homes” they construct.
While the diet of the majority of bagworm moths is made up of leaves and plants, tiny arthropods are in the diet of certain species.
Unfortunately, the plants and trees that are the home of bagworms suffer severe destruction. As the bugs eat their way through the leaves, usually leaving the plant completely bare.
After hatching the caterpillar, the bagworm moth doesn’t waste time weaving the silk cocoon around itself and then reinforces it with leaves, twigs, and other pieces of plant material. It is the result of a compact structure that is often reminiscent of the size of a tiny home. They offer a secure network that’s extremely difficult for predators to get into, and the locally found construction materials provide the appearance of a natural hideaway from prying eyeballs.
Every type of bagworm moth comes with an individual case, depending on the items in the case when they begin building their tiny homes. So, it’s sometimes simpler to identify the different species of bagworm moth simply by looking at their patients rather than the animal. They are available in various sizes and shapes: the cases generally range between 1 and 15 centimeters in length. Some may appear like primitive structures, while others look like an open-air pavilion or log home. As they mature, the bagworms expand, attaching new twigs and other components to their habitats.
Cases are most often to be located on trees or bushes; however, caterpillars may also carry their issues while they move to hunt. Their movements resemble an animal carrying the case, with their heads pointing towards the top. If the caterpillar is at risk, the caterpillar can close every gap in the box, totally sealing the case from harm’s way.
They spend-most of their lives in their case, which is well-protected. Male bagworm moths will leave their houses once they’ve become adults and can mate. Females remain inside their homes for the remainder of their lives, even after they’ve become adult moths.
While the tiny homes that bagworm moths create for themselves are pretty impressive, the moths are mainly thought of as pests because of their destructive behavior against plants, trees, and even other plants.
It’s interesting to note that it’s a different story in Madagascar. A species of bagworm that is indigenous to Madagascar is farmed and bred by wattle trees as a result of the protein-rich pupae they are.