
25+ Photographs Showing How An Artist Converts Shadows Of Everyday Objects Into Funny Sketches.

Talk about an imaginative mind. Belgian filmmaker and artist Vincent Bal transform reflections from everyday items into wacky drawings that are entirely unrelated to the object yet clever. 

For instance, he draws in the shadows of rubber ducks and transforms the duck into a burglar carrying a treasure bag. The shade of the leaf transforms into bird-like, a phone charger transforms into a ship, the shoe transforms into Homer Simpson, and so on.

The whole thing began with Vincent was writing his new script and saw the silhouette of his teacup on an unfinished piece of paper. He sketched lines on it and transformed the form into an animal. Then, he snapped a picture of his creation and posted his creation on Facebook. The image went viral; since then, he’s posted a drawing daily. Could you take a look at his work below?

All credits: Belgian filmmaker and artist Vincent Bal































Written by Malith92

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