
Bobcat Finds Its Way Into Home Through Doggy Door, Takes Over Dog Bed

Have you ever come home to find an unexpected guest waiting for you? For one family in San Manuel, Arizona, their unexpected visitor was a wild bobcat who had snuck in through the doggy door.

While it must have been a frightening sight to see a bobcat in their home, the big cat seemed to have just wanted a cozy spot to take a cat nap. Photos show the bobcat lounging in a dog bed, making itself at home and living the life of a house pet.


Image Credit: Twitter/Arizona Game and Fish Department

While amusing, it’s important to remember that bobcats are wild animals and should be treated with caution. The Arizona Game and Fish Department urges people not to handle entrapped or hurt wildlife on their own. Bobcats are common in Arizona and are usually drawn to homes in search of food, water, or shelter. While they rarely attack humans, families with small pets may want to discourage the animal by scaring them off with loud noises or a spray from a garden hose.


Image Credit: Twitter/Arizona Game and Fish Department

In this case, the bobcat escaped and ran off before officers could arrive, and no people or animals were harmed. Many people on social media found humor in the bobcat’s “Airbnb experience” and how relaxed and comfortable it looked in the dog bed.

While it’s tempting to treat wild animals like house pets, it’s important to remember that they are not domesticated animals and can be dangerous. If you encounter a wild animal in your home, it’s best to contact wildlife control to safely remove the animal.

Credits: Arizona Game and Fish Department

Written by Chanuka

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