
Fulfilling A Lifelong Dream: 90-Year-Old Woman Receives Honorary GED With Help From Local Learning Center

Have you ever had a dream that you had to put on hold due to various circumstances? For Ellouise Lewis, a 90-year-old resident of Gulfport Care Center in Mississippi, that dream was to graduate high school. Despite being forced to leave school in the tenth grade, Ellouise never lost sight of her ambition. And recently, with the help of some kind-hearted people, she was able to achieve it by receiving an honorary GED.


Lisa Perdue, the activity director at Gulfport Care Center, learned about Ellouise’s wish and reached out to Wells of SouthGate, a nearby Christian-based learning facility. With their assistance, Ellouise began studying and preparing for the practice exam, which she eventually passed.


Although the GED Ellouise received was honorary, she met the standards for a real one. At a ceremony held at the nursing home, Ellouise received her certificate, wearing a cap and gown. Overwhelmed with emotions, she broke down in tears, expressing her happiness and contentment at achieving her lifelong dream.


The learning center’s Leonard Martin praised Ellouise’s achievement and expressed his hope that more people would follow in her footsteps.


Ellouise’s achievement is a remarkable example that age and circumstances should not hinder one’s ability to pursue their dreams and accomplish their objectives. Her success demonstrates that it is never too late to fulfill your aspirations, regardless of your circumstances.


Ellouise’s story is a source of motivation for all of us, reminding us that we should never give up on our dreams. It is an inspiring reminder that no matter how long it takes or what obstacles we face, we can always strive to achieve our goals.


Let us all congratulate Ellouise on this incredible achievement and spread the word about her story to inspire others to follow in her footsteps. Remember, it is never too late to pursue your dreams and make them a reality.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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