
Revolutionary Solar Power Plant in Kenya: Converting Ocean Water to Clean Drinking Water

Access to clean drinking water is a basic necessity that many people around the world do not have. GivePower, a non-profit organization, is on a mission to change that by building solar power plants in underdeveloped nations. Their latest project is a solar-powered facility in Kenya that converts ocean water into drinking water for 25,000 people.


Image Courtesy: GivePower

GivePower has already built solar power plants in several countries, including Haiti, Nicaragua, Nepal, and Puerto Rico. However, this is the first time they have constructed a purification facility. Completed in August in the Kenyan town of Kiunga, the project has been a resounding success.


Image Courtesy: GivePower

Desalination, or the removal of salt from seawater, is the most critical step in converting it to drinkable water. Solar power is an ideal solution since it is cost-effective and energy-efficient. The solar panels at the facility provide 50 kilowatts of electricity, enough to run two water pumps.


Image Courtesy: GivePower

Before the facility was built, locals had to travel for hours to obtain any drinking water. They had to conserve every last drop as water was scarce. However, thanks to GivePower, their problems have been entirely resolved.


Image Courtesy: GivePower

According to Hayes Barnard, president of GivePower, “You see kids within these settlements with scars on their tummies or knees from too much salt in their wounds. This water was harming their family.” With the new purifying facility, locals will no longer have to worry about drinking dirty water that harms their bodies.


Image Courtesy: GivePower

Given the success of the project in Kenya, GivePower plans to develop similar plants in Colombia and Haiti. By providing clean drinking water to those in need, GivePower is making a significant difference in the world. Clean water is essential for good health, and by building solar power plants that can purify ocean water, GivePower is ensuring that everyone has access to it.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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