
Helpless Polar Bear Trapped With Tin Can In Mouth Pleads For Human Assistance

Polar bears, once a symbol of strength and power, are now vulnerable due to climate change, pollution, and hunting, among other threats. 


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova

The melting of icebergs in the Arctic, the habitat of these white bears, has led to a decrease in their population due to a lack of food and shelter. One unfortunate polar bear, a poor and skinny female, had to plead for help when she got her tongue trapped in a tin can while looking for something to eat.


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova

The bear was spotted walking into Dikson, a remote settlement in northern Russia, with the empty condensed milk tin can stuck to her tongue. She was too hungry to catch fish, so she dug through garbage heaps in search of food. However, she got her tongue stuck in the can while trying to lick some leftover milk at the bottom.


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova

The starving bear’s desperate and scared eyes caught the attention of the settlement’s inhabitants, who sounded the alarm. A team of veterinarians from Moscow Zoo was dispatched to help, but their emergency flight was delayed due to bad weather. The starving bear’s condition was critical, and people were worried that she might not survive.


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova

When the team finally arrived, they quickly cut the can using their tools. Mikhail Alshinetsky, a vet from Moscow Zoo, examined the bear and found her to be slightly dehydrated, with several cuts in her mouth caused by sharp metal. However, the underlying muscles of her tongue were not affected, so she was expected to recover.


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova

The bear was placed under anesthesia and transported to a rescue center, where she was monitored, fed, and treated. The team left three bags of fish near the bear, ensuring that she had a delicious meal to enjoy when she woke up.


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova

The luckless being was saved and is now in protection. This heartwarming story is a reminder that we should take care of our environment and protect vulnerable species like the polar bear. Leave your wishes for the bear’s recovery in the comment box below, and don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family.


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova


Source: @siberian_times, Svetlana Radionova

Written by Chanuka

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