
Inspiring Reason Why This Bakery Employs People With Special Needs

People with special needs often face challenges in finding employment opportunities, even though they have skills and talents of their own. However, one bakery in Vancouver Island, Canada, is giving these individuals a chance to showcase their abilities and flourish in their careers. The Mindful Mouthful Bakery, run by non-profit Clements Centre Society, currently employs 20 cooks with developmental disabilities.

# The bakery of angels

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What makes this bakery unique is not just the fact that they are providing employment to special needs people, but the reason behind doing so. According to Ed Clements Centre Society member Dominic Rockall, the bakery serves as a training kitchen for adults with developmental disabilities, where they can learn life skills and cooking skills.


Previously, the cooks used to volunteer at the bakery, but now they are paid for their work. The bakery receives a wage subsidy from the Vancouver foundation, but their aim is to become self-sustainable in three years. The employment not only helps the cooks financially, but also boosts their self-esteem and self-worth. Rockall explains that “people feel like, ‘I’m worthy of being paid now for my work’.”

# The rationale behind them hiring people with exceptional needs

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The bakery has received rave reviews for their tasty cookies, cakes, and meat pies, and they hope to expand their reach by having their products stocked in local stores and restaurants. The staff themselves have designed the labels on the packaging, giving them a sense of pride and ownership. As Rockall notes, “when they buy products from us with our name on it, they know that they’re supporting a great cause.”


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The Mindful Mouthful Bakery’s story is not just inspiring, but also serves as a reminder that everyone, regardless of their abilities, deserves a chance to showcase their skills and contribute to society. By providing employment opportunities to special needs individuals, the bakery is not only changing their lives but also making a positive impact on their community.

Written by Chanuka

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