
77 Years Later In A Heartwarming Ceremony, Soldiers Replace Woman’s Confiscated Birthday Cake From World War II 

Have you ever imagined having your birthday cake stolen? That’s what happened to Meri Mion on her 13th birthday during World War II. She lived in a small commune in north-eastern Italy and was hiding in the attic of her farmhouse with her mother during the battle.


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When they came out of hiding, her mother baked her a cake to celebrate her birthday, but resourceful American soldiers took it from the windowsill, thinking it was a gift.


Although it had been 77 years since that fateful day, the U.S. Army Garrison in Italy wanted to make it up to her by giving her a brand new cake for her 90th birthday.


The 88th Infantry Division celebrated her birthday and the 77th anniversary of the U.S. victory at Giardini Salvi, a garden in Vicenza.


Colonel Matthew Gomlak and Sergeant Peter Wallis presented Mion with her new cake, and the soldiers even sang “Happy Birthday” to her in English and Italian, bringing her to tears. Mion said, “Tomorrow, we will eat that dessert with all my family remembering this wonderful day that I will never forget.”


It’s unclear how the military found out that U.S soldiers stole Mion’s cake, but the celebration was long overdue. To celebrate Mion’s birthday, the military invited hundreds of people from the area, as well as soldiers, military police, and veterans. Even local residents showed up to celebrate her long-awaited birthday.


The heartwarming ceremony is a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity, even in times of war. It shows that even after all these years, people are still willing to right wrongs and make things right. Mion’s story is a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a lasting impact on someone’s life.


In conclusion, the soldiers taking away Meri Mion’s birthday cake was a sad incident in her life, but the U.S. Army’s gesture to replace it after 77 years is heartwarming. It’s good to see people still willing to make things right and spread joy in the world.

Written by Chanuka

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