
One-of-a-kind Cat Found in Dumpster as Rare as a Unicorn

It’s not every day that you come across a cat as unique and rare as Martyr. This feline was found in 2016 in a dumpster, suffering from a broken front leg and gangrene in a back paw. But his story doesn’t end there. Not only did he survive his harsh beginnings and recover from his injuries, but he was also recently discovered to be a male calico cat.



Calico cats are known for their distinct white, orange, and black fur patterns, but it’s a rarity for a male cat to have this coloration. This is because the gene responsible for the orange and black fur is located on the X chromosome. In female cats, who have two X chromosomes, it’s more likely for this gene to be expressed. But in male cats, who only have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, it’s much less likely.



Martyr’s case is even more special because he actually carries two X chromosomes, in addition to a Y chromosome. This makes him one of the rarest cats in existence, with only 1 in 3,000 calico cats being male.



His mother, who was experienced in fostering kittens, helped him recover safely and get to where he is today. Even though he lost his back paw as a result of the gangrene, Martyr wears his cone proudly and continues to be an internet sensation on Imgur.



In a world full of uncertainty, Martyr’s survival and unique characteristics make him a miracle of nature. He’s a reminder that even the most unlikely and difficult situations can have a happy ending. He’s a cat that’s as rare as a fictional unicorn, and we’re lucky to have him in our world.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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