
Shocking Video of Toddler Swept High into The Air by a Kite in Taiwan

On the last weekend of August 2022, a kite-flying festival in Hsinchu, Taiwan turned into a nightmare for a family after their three-year-old daughter was swept high into the air by a kite. The incident caused panic among the audience and led to the cancellation of events. A video of the shocking incident went viral online, raising questions about the safety measures in place and the responsibility of the organizers and authorities.Watch the video to understand the severity of the incident and the importance of safety measures in public events.

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# The Asia Kite Foundation planned and hosted a kite-flying festival.

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According to reports, the girl got tangled up in the tail of a large orange kite, which transformed into a parachute when it was released by the organizers. Strong winds with speeds of 32 to 38 miles per hour (50 to 61 kmph) made the kite billow and caused the child to float in the air for about 30 seconds. The video shows the child screaming and being whirled around in circles until the kite was brought down by the audience.owever, it remains unclear how the child got too close to the kite and got entangled in its tail.

# The enormous “sugar kite” was supposed to be the major draw.

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The incident prompted an apology from the Mayor of Hsinchu, who promised to investigate the causes and hold those responsible accountable. The Fisheries Department official also stated that new regulations would be implemented to prevent such incidents from happening again, particularly involving candy kites.The Asia Kite Foundation, which promoted the festival, had warned families to be careful due to the predicted gales.

# The occasion took place at Hsinchu, in Taiwan’s capital Taipei.

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In conclusion, the shocking incident in Taiwan’s kite-flying festival is a reminder of the risks involved in such events, particularly when strong winds and large kites are present. It is important to prioritize the safety of the audience, especially children, and ensure that proper measures are in place to prevent such accidents from happening again. . The incident has raised concerns about the safety of kite-flying festivals and the need for stricter regulations and precautions.

Video link:

Written by Chanuka

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