
The Healing Power of Love: The Story of John Unger and His Beloved Schoep

As pet owners, we all want to do everything in our power to ease the pain and suffering of our furry friends. For John Unger, this meant floating in Lake Superior with his beloved dog, Schoep, every day.

Schoep was a 19-year-old German Shepherd who had been diagnosed with arthritis and hip dysplasia, which caused him a lot of pain. Unger knew that taking the pressure off of Schoep’s joints by floating with him was one of the best ways he could provide his dog with pain relief.

One day, a friend of Unger’s took a photograph of the two of them floating in the lake, with Schoep sleeping in Unger’s arms and his head on Unger’s chest. The photograph quickly went viral and their story made the news. Donations began pouring in from all over the world, which allowed Unger to pursue other pain management strategies that gave him an additional year with his beloved Schoep.

Tragically, Schoep passed away, but the love behind that photograph can still be felt around the world. It serves as a reminder of the healing power of love and the lengths we will go to ease the pain of those we love.


The photograph of John Unger and Schoep floating in the lake is a powerful image that has touched the hearts of people all over the world. It serves as a reminder of the bond between humans and their pets and the lengths we will go to ease the pain of those we love.

As pet owners, it can be difficult to watch our beloved companions suffer from the effects of aging or illness. However, it is important to remember that there are ways to provide them with comfort and relief. In Schoep’s case, floating in the lake with John was the best way to ease his pain.

However, it is important to remember that every pet is different and may require different forms of pain management. It’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best course of action for your pet.


It’s also important to remember that the healing power of love is not just limited to pets. Our relationships with our loved ones, whether they be human or animal, have the ability to bring comfort and healing to our lives.

The story of John Unger and Schoep is a beautiful reminder of the bond between humans and their pets, and the lengths we will go to ease the pain of those we love. It serves as a reminder that the healing power of love is not just limited to pets, but to all of our relationships.

In conclusion, the story of John Unger and Schoep reminds us of the boundless love that exists between humans and their pets. It is a reminder that even in the face of pain and suffering, the healing power of love can bring comfort and relief. It is a story that will continue to touch the hearts of pet lovers all over the world.

Written by Pasan Nanayakkara

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